Fishman rocks! Literally. Around the world, night after night, you’ll see and hear Fishman products played by musicians on stages big and small. When this 40 year old company experienced unprecedented fiscal growth of 40% they needed a marketing team that could keep up. From expanding the team to determining strategies and programs we teamed up with Fishman’s existing marketing group to create high-performing results.

Fishman Rocks! Literally.
Expand Fishman’s customer base across genres and demographics
Expanded marketing team through hires and 3 Ring partners including acting as interim CMO
Conducted brand workshop.
Collaborated on all points of marketing plan.
Built marketing team of vendors for launches.
Refocused team on content based on education
Restructured artist relations, demand gen, PR, social and operations areas
Refreshed all creative including Brand ID, packaging, social and website
Fully restructured marketing team with process, analytics and all the tools to continue to move the needle in sales
Artists are the bread and butter at Fishman. We put in place a full artist relations program along with a first ever CRM to best work with artists in co-marketing and influencer programs to bring the brand to life and influence sales in both OEM and retail.

Fishman is all about pure and customizable sound. The challenge was how to visually reflect that. Working with our partners at 8 Point Studio we designed a powerful yet approachable translation of sound for all genres of music
Branding needs to be at every customer touch point. Someone might see your brand for only a moment, but if it sticks out in a positive way, there’s a good chance they won’t forget it. We took this to heart and made sure that the new brand ID and voice was in every aspect of Fishman’s customer journey - from web site to packaging